Expanding Your Horizon, Generation After Generation
Open house/inspection:
Metzger Online Only Auction!
Garden Tractors - Shop Tools -Retro Glass & Pyrex - Kay Kraft Mandolin – Antiques – Curio Cabinets – Train Set – Quilts – Holiday Décor – Doll Collection – Hallmark Ornaments – Vintage Bikes & More!
Bid now through, July 17, 2024 - Lots begin closing at 6PM
Pickup for items will be the next day, July 18, 2024, exact location & details to be in your winning invoice!
10% Buyer's Premium Added to each winning invoice
Bid now through, July 17, 2024 - Lots begin closing at 6PM
Pickup for items will be the next day, July 18, 2024, exact location & details to be in your winning invoice!
10% Buyer's Premium Added to each winning invoice
100 Lincoln Electric Arc welder AC-225-S
101 Campbell Hausfeld 6.5HP 60 gallon air compressor, will be disconnected for pickup
102 Floor jack
103 Agri fab 17 cu.ft. yard cart
104 Metal cabinet with contents inc. tester, misc 35x66x20"
105 Storage Cabinet and contents inc. Power tools 36x72x20"
106 Storage cabinet and contents as shown in pictures 32x66x18"
107 Storage cabinet with contents as shown in pictures 42x66x24"
108 Echo gas powered weed trimmer
109 Figurines, office supplies, hand tools, Loose contents on desk as shown in pictures
110 Tools and misc as shown in pictures
111 Tools and misc contents on shelves as shown in pictures
112 Organizers, tools, Whirlpool Microwave and misc as shown in pictures loose contents on bench
113 Plastic toolbox 36x20x18" and Loose contents under bench as shown in pictures
114 Sockets, wrenches mostly 1/2" drive some metric, cart 19x26x36"
115 Grease, chain saw parts, Misc contents of shelves and on top of bench as shown in pictures
116 Hydraulic fluid - 3 five gallon buckets, 1 partial
117 Frigidaire window air conditioner
118 Montgomery Ward Battery charger
119 2 Metal shelving units with contents including 3/4" sockets, Jack's scroll saw, misc 36x18x72, 36x18x66"
120 Horizontal band saw, blade is bent
121 Acetylene torch set
122 Craftsman floor drill press 15"
123 AKO electric grill
124 Parts chainsaws, engine, drill bits, tools as shown in pictures - Contents below, on and above workbench
125 Appliance hand truck 60"
126 Pedestal fan 20", 72in tall
127 Metal shelving unit with contents inc. Coleman lantern, funnel, oil, figurines
128 Power Port hose reel mounted on ceiling - buyer responsible for removal
129 Chain saw sharpener Chicago electric with 12 v power converter
130 Craftsman 14.5 hp riding lawnmower - needs battery 42"
131 Fiberglass work table 48x30x37"
132 John Deere front blade 42"
133 2 Come Alongs
134 Murray Mt. Climber bike 16"
135 Schwinn Cruiser ladies bicycle
136 Huffy boys bike
137 Turkey fryer burner stand 30"
138 The green line salamander heater
139 Fimco pull behind sprayer 12v 40"
140 Agri fab 1000 mow and vac yard with 5hp Briggs and Stratton engine
141 Wheel horse charger gt with front blade - unknown if runs
141a Push mower Yard Machines 22"
142 Jazzy power wheel chair no power
143 Yard Machines lawn tractor non running with 2 extra rear tires 42" wheels
144 Metal reel with extension cords
145 Lawn dethatcher 42"
146 Powermate 7500 watt generator motor - appears to be stuck
147 Wheel barrow with yard tool contents
148 Metal car ramps and shop stool
149 Green thumb garden tiller - motor is free
150 Weed eater trimmer with wheels - motor free
151 Schumacher 6/12v battery charger
152 Self dumping dumpster 30x48"
153 Homemade Log splitter with 5 hp Briggs and Stratton engine
154 Glass insulators assortment, several broken
155 Log tongs 30"
156 Stainless steel chimney L insulated 8", 24"
157 Chrome Fighting Stallion hood ornament 8"
158 Pair John Deere Spark plug covers NOS
159 Keystone hand crank grinder
160 Metal welding table and contents on and underneath 36x31x20"
200 Wood sleigh 27x11x18
201 2 Doll chairs 9 1/2x7x16
202 2 Doll wicker chairs 7x17
203 2 Doll rocking chairs 7x7
204 Rocking horse 12x34
205 Wall shelf 19x5x23
206 Wood child’s rocking chair 12x15
207 Wood tricycle decor 24x21x12
208 Wood doll rocking chair 10x9x19
209 Wood doll benches 20x10x14, 13x10x14
210 Christmas ornaments and lights
211 Christmas ornaments
212 Christmas ornaments inc. Hallmark keepsake
213 Christmas ornaments
214 Christmas ornaments and lights
215 Athearn HO mini trains, Christmas ornaments, stuffed animals, Toy Story figurines
216 Christmas ornaments
217 Home Towne villages and collectibles, plastic tote with lid
218 3 Holiday stor 'n tote organizers
219 New bright Holiday express animated train set - appears to be new
220 Home decor, plastic tote with lid 20 gallon
221 Home decor, plastic tote with lid 20 gallon
222 Home decor, plastic tote with lid 20 gallon
223 Home decor, plastic tote with lid 20 gallon
224 Metal wall decor assortment
225 GE window air conditioner
226 International harvester and John deere decorative ornaments
227 Super 8 movies and editor including Son of Kong
228 Timberwolf & Redwood battery operated train set - no box
229 5 Framed wall decor, various sizes
230 5 Framed wall decor, various sizes
231 5 Framed wall decor, various sizes
232 5 Framed wall decor, various sizes
233 6 Framed wall decor, various sizes
234 6 Framed wall decor, various sizes
235 7 Framed wall decor, various sizes
236 7 Framed wall decor, various sizes
237 8 Framed wall decor various sizes
238 5 Framed wall decor, various sizes
239 5 Framed wall decor, various sizes
240 4 Framed wall decor, various sizes
241 6 Framed wall decor, various sizes
242 4 Framed Tiger prints, various sizes
243 5 Framed wall decor, various sizes
244 Framed Eagle Print on canvas, artist signed 41x29"
245 Eagle print framed 26x33"
246 5 Framed wall decor, various sizes
247 2 Framed wall decor, various sizes
248 5 Framed wall decor, various sizes
249 5 Framed wall decor, various sizes
250 2 Framed wall decor, various sizes
251 Framed Pheasant Print, artist signed 28x25"
252 Framed Sailing ship on canvas print, artist signed 32x28"
253 Plastic organizer and container assortment
254 Igloo cooler, decor assortment, misc as shown in pictures
255 Ceramic lamps 36", decor, washboard, misc.
256 Joy Mangano huggable hangers new approximately 250ct.
257 Hallmark keepsake ornaments assortment 30+ct. Some boxes with water damage
258 Wizard of Oz and holiday treasures figurines, decor as shown in pictures
259 Yellow note pads 35ct
260 Disney air blown inflatable snow globe 15"
261 United feather down comforter king size
262 Metal wall decor and misc as shown in pictures
263 Plastic wall decor and misc as shown in pictures
264 Plastic tote with lid with ornaments assortment
265 3 Boxes of floral decor
266 Metal wall decor and decor baskets
267 Metal candle holder decor 41x20"
268 Wood and metal wall shelf 12x25"
269 Large assortment metal wall decor candle holders
270 Large assortment metal wall decor candle holders, plant holders
271 Wood folding table - no contents included 46x29x30"
272 Picture Frame Assortment
273 Doll chair 12", teeter totter and scooter decor plant stands
274 Golf decor mirror 24x24 and mirror 26x13
275 Lacquer deer print, artist signed 24x28"
276 2 Decor mirrors 13x28, 22x18"
277 2 Plastic ship wall decor 20x16, 12x10"
278 Battery operated clock, resin decor shelf, mirror shelf 12x13, 12x10, 20x12
279 Large assortment Holiday lights and decorations, contents as shown in pictures
280 Home interior gifts assortment new in boxes most candle holders
281 Santa and reindeer, Santa train plastic lighted decor
282 Nativity and butterfly decor as shown in pictures
283 Large assortment metal wall decor candle holders, decor wood window pane shelf
284 Large assortment wood and metal decor shelves
285 Large assortment wood decor shelves
286 Large assortment wood decor shelves
287 Bell Howell movie projector, hand weights, mirror and misc as shown in pictures
288 White machine co. Dry cleaner carousel unit, works, plugged in to outlet - to be removed by buyer 30ft long
300 Oak Gun cabinet with plexiglass front 25x16x68"
301 2 Metal clothing racks 22x48x52"
302 Metal and plastic shelving unit assortment, various sizes and styles- approximately 15 ct. & 2 clothing racks as shown in pictures
400 Pneumatic hand truck
401 Speed queen commercial washing machine model SC18MD2BU10001 with coin op. And keys
402 Bock speedy extractor coin op, unknown condition
403 Whirlpool gas dryer
404 Record albums, CDs, cassettes, sr3000 stereo, storage assortment and contents as shown in pictures
405 Metal shelving with contents inc. lamps, weight, misc. 36x12x55"
406 Hexagonal Glass top end table with decor contents 28x24"
407 Wall decor as shown in pictures
408 Metal shelving unit with contents inc. candle holders, vases, coffee percolator, misc. as shown in pictures 36x16x72"
500 Masterbuilt electric turkey fryer
501 2 Oil Lamps 22"
502 Oak Leaded glass front cabinet with contents inc. creams, bean pot, pitchers, candy jars, pedestal dishes, glassware 26x15x47"
503 Oak Mirror Back ornate dining hutch with contents inc. owl canister set, coffee percolator, candle holders, glassware and decor - hutch needs cleaned 94x84"
504 Oak Leaded glass front with damage cabinet with contents inc. shakers, vases, canisters, juicer, cruet, glassware assortment 26x15x47"
505 Wood and tile top Dining table with leaf and 4 chairs 64x42x29"
506 2pc Ornate Wood Carved China cabinet with contents inc. porcelain figurines inside and on top - glass front is damaged 76x18x78" - record albums in lower portion not included
506a Record album assortment in lower portion of China cabinet
507 2 Door Angled Glass front Curio cabinet with contents inc. porcelain religious figurine assortment - has keys 50x77x15"
508 Oak curved front China cabinet with contents inc. capodimonte and porcelain figurines, unicorn clock and items on wall as shown in pictures 40x60x15"
509 Waltham wall clock with key 12x40"
510 Aluminum stock pot assortment
511 2 Stainless and aluminum stock pots 16"&14"
512 Condiments set with orange Blendo style
513 Tower 16x50 binoculars with case
514 McCoy covered wagon cookie jar
515 Schatz anniversary clock with glass dome 12"
516 Record album assortment on bottom corner shelf
517 Blendo green decanter and stemware, water pitcher
600 Admiral side refrigerator 33x67x29"
601 Planters peanut jar 11"
602 Seyfert's butter pretzel jar 12"
603 Contents of kitchen Cabinets and counters as shown in pictures inc. utensils, dishes, bowls, pans, Whirlpool microwave, popcorn maker, misc.
604 Kitchen aid Professional 600 stand mixer, needs cleaned
610 Microwave Stand on rollers and contents 20”x25”x47”
700 Glass front display cabinet and contents inc. model ships, figurines, misc. 26x42x12"
701 2pc. Carved China cabinet with glass doors & contents inc. cake plate & dome, vases, glassware, Disney collector glasses, dishes, canisters, misc. 66x72x20"
702 Wall decor assortment as shown in pictures
703 Ornate Buffet with wear - no contents included 66x37x20"
704 Capodimonte assortment inc. cream, sugar, tea pot, tray, soup tureen, candle holders
705 Victory 30 day wall clock with key 21x11"
706 Dining table with glass cover and 4 chairs - needs cleaned 2x64x29
707 3pc Pyrex Amish butterprint tabbed bowls with lids
708 Cranberry fade water set with pitcher and 6 glasses
709 Green Blendo salad set 7 pc.
710 Pyrex Cinderella 4qt bowl and woodpecker toothpick grabber
711 CD assortment and blank VHS tapes
712 Paperback book assortment
713 Book Assortment
714 Book Assortment
715 NFS Metal Shelf with contents inc. purses, hats, crotched items, braces, misc. 14”x36”x55”
716 2- Metal Shelves with contents inc. bedding, pillows, misc. 15”x36”x58”
717 Jewelry Cabinet 16”x19”x 42”
718 Metal Shelf 12”x18”x73” and contents, Medexact Scale 38”
719 4- Moments treasured Dolls, 22”, in boxes,Caitlin, Sophie, Jillian,Hayley
720 4- Moments treasured Dolls, 22”, in boxes, Brittany, Jumoke, Carmen, Cassie
721 4- Moments treasured Dolls, 22”, in boxes, Alyssa, Cecilia, Michelle, Lucy
722 4- Moments treasured Dolls, 22”, in boxes, Olivia, Christen, Louisa, Olivia
723 4- Moments treasured Dolls,in boxes, Pipi, Bettina, Meredith, Hank
724 4- Moments treasured Dolls,in boxes, Jacqueline, Tabitha, Duncan, Darla
725 2- Moments treasured Dolls,in boxes, Christa, Windsor heirloom Porcelain dolls
800 Wall decor
801 End table, lamp, fan, floral decor, miscellaneous
801a CD assortment
802 Coffee table, candles, Christmas decor, misc. 55x24x15"
803 Christmas tree 7’
804 Grandfather style clock 18x11x 78
805 Clock, CDs, mirrors, CD cases, file folders, dresser 30x42x18", photo album, clock, miscellaneous
806 Mirror 51x34", wall decor assortment
807 Shelving unit with assorted figurines, candle holders, Elvis Presley anniversary clock, snow globes, decor 72x15x76"
808 2 End tables, winter carnival, dolls, decor 29x25x21"
809 Franklin heirloom doll in glass case 22”
900 Marble clock
902 Porcelain lamp 20”, lantern, chest of drawers 27x15x43"
903 Night stand 17x28x25"
904 Ornate Carved Headboard with shelves and metal frame 63”
905 Dresser 40x19x61", jewelry box 14x7x19"
906 Dresser with mirror, no contents included 68x19x81"
907 Jewelry stand 18x15x40" and jewelry boxes
908 Jewelry cabinet 25x15x39"
909 Jewelry boxes with etched mirror panels, anniversary clock, princess phone, jewelry tree
910 Trinket boxes, figurines, canisters, misc.
911 Bob Mackie Queen of Hearts Barbie in box
912 Grand Ole Opry Country Rose Barbie
913 Barbie empress of emeralds resin egg from Avon
914 Proscan TV 26”
915 Nightstand 12x18x25"
916 Beam’s commemorative Notre Dame Fiesta Bowl football decanter
917 John Deere Christmas Trilley car, Christmas house
918 John Deere ornaments
919 Kay Kraft mandolin with case
920 Violin Antonius Stradivarius Cremonensis Faciebat anno 1721 made in Czechoslovakia with case
921 Emerson double cassette/radio
922 Purse assortment
1000 Pots and Pans Assortment, shelf not included
1001 Crock pots, pans, miscellaneous
1002 Scales, pans, glass baking dishes, miscellaneous
1003 Electric Griddles, Miscellaneous bake ware
1004 Metal shelf - contents not included 18”x60”x 72”
1005 Purse Assortment in 3- plastic Totes
1006 Porcelain Doll, approximately 22”
1007 Cuisine Cookware, pans, plastic ware, silverplate tray, contents of top 2- shelves
1008 Baking Sheet pans, cake pans, miscellaneous
1009 Indiana Glass Aspen 2-Tier Tray Set, Presto Tater Twister
1010 King Clock, wood Shelf 16”, Wood Plaque with horse Picture 15”x23”
1011 3- Bird Statues inc. Gyrfalcon 1982 12” & 2 doves 11.5”,12.5”
1012 Great Grey Owl statue 1985; 2 ornate Bird Statues 10”,13.5”
1013 4- Bird Statues inc. 2 Peacocks 7”, Passenger Pigeons 11.5”, Whooping Crane 15.5”
1014 2- Tootsie Toy Mommy Dolls in boxes 19”
1015 4-Lissi Puppen Dolls in boxes 17”
1016 Lissi 2 Hearts collection Dolls in box & Lissi Fashion Doll in box 15”, 19”
1017 Vanna White Porcelain Doll in box 16”
1018 Fashion Heirloom Doll in box 18”
1019 Harley Davidson Ornaments in box, 3- HotWheels Harley’s in cases with boxes
1020 2- Thomas Kincade Seaside Memories Lighted Lighthouses in boxes, new
1021 Hallmark Harley Davidson More than a Store ornament display, Hallmark Ornament assortment
1022 3- Tootsie Toy Mommy Dolls in boxes 19”
1023 3- Tootsie Toy Mommy Dolls in boxes 19”
1024 Barbie 2000 water globe, NIB
1025 Andrew Collectable Doll with box & Shy Violet Doll with box 16", 19"
1026 Patty Cake Doll in box & Lissi Puppen Doll in box 10", 19"
1027 3- World Gallery Collectable Dolls in boxes 17”, 20”,20”
1028 3- Workd Gallery Collectable Dolls in boxes 17”,20”,20”
1029 2- Seymour Manns Collector Dolls in boxes 17”,18”
1030 Allison Porcelain Doll in box 17”
1031 The Ashton - Drake Galleries Collectable Doll & Victorion Make Believe Doll in box 19"
1032 Heritage Dolls Jenna Doll in box 18”
1033 Knotted Quilt, size unknown
1034 Floral Quilt, size Unknown
1035 Quilt,size unknown
1036 2- Quilts, size unknown
1037 Bed Spread, size Unknown
1038 Knotted Quilt, size unknown
2000 Hallmark Ornaments, Large Assortment in tote with lid
2001 Hallmark Ornaments, Large Assortment in tote with lid
2002 Hallmark and other ornaments, Large Assortment in tote with lid
2003 Hallmark Ornaments, Large Assortment in tote with lid
2004 Hallmark and other ornaments, Large Assortment in tote with lid
2005 Hallmark Ornaments, Large Assortment in tote with lid
2006 Hallmark and other ornaments, Large Assortment in tote with lid
2007 Hallmark and other ornaments, Large Assortment in tote with lid
2008 Hallmark and other ornaments, Large Assortment in tote with lid
2009 Hallmark and other ornaments, Large Assortment in tote with lid
2010 Hallmark and other ornaments, Large Assortment in tote with lid
2011 Christmas Ornament Assortment in tote with lid
2012 Hallmark and other ornaments, Large Assortment in tote with lid
2013 Hallmark and other ornaments, Large Assortment in tote with lid
2014 Hallmark Ornaments, and other ornaments, Large Assortment in tote with lid
2015 Hallmark and other ornaments, Large Assortment in tote with lid
2016 Hallmark and other ornaments, Large Assortment in tote with lid
2017 Matchbox Cars Collectable sets, assorted Trucks and miscellaneous, NIP in tote with lid
2018 Matchbox Collectables in boxes, Old Time Train AlarmClock in tote with lid
2019 Hallmark Ornament Assortment in tote no lid
2020 Jim Beam DieCast semi 12”
2021 Hallmark and other ornaments, Large Assortment in tote with lid
2022 The Great American Doll Company Marlene Doll in Box 28”
2023 The Great American Doll Company Jasmine Doll with stand in box 28”
2024 The Great American Doll Company Suzi Doll in box 28”
2025 The Great American Doll Company Puyi Doll in box 23”
2026 World Gallery Dolls & collectables Annie Doll in box 22”
2027 Precious Heirloom Dolls Joy Doll in box 22”
2028 Design Debut Roberta Doll in box 28”
2029 Design Debut Grace Doll with heart shaped wrap in box 27”
2030 Design Debut Genevieve Doll in box 22”
2031 1996 Hallmark Membership Kit & Music Box Assortment
2032 Barbie Ornaments & Barbie Figurines by Danbury Mint
2033 12- Flora Belle Dolls by Brinns in boxes 15"
2034 Doll Assortment inc. Seymour Mann doll, Walking/Crawling Lisa Doll, mann Musical Doll Christmas Decorations
2035 Plastic Shelf - Contents not included 14”x33”x53.5”
2036 Fiba Collectable Dolls Lorenzo Doll in box 24”
2037 Bundle Of Joy Doll with Basket in box 22”
2038 Lexey Children In Portraiture Doll By Alice Wolleydt in box 24"
2039 Lissi Dolls Mercedes Doll with box 24"
2040 Lissi Puppen Super Soft Racheal Doll in box 20"
2041 Gingerbread House Musical Illuminated Rotating Dancing Figurines in box 13”x16”x 16”
2042 Matchbox Collectable Semis, cars and assortment in Packages
2043 3- Artafacts Collectable Dolls inc. BirdSong, Pathfinder & Gentle Shepherd in boxes 14"
2044 2- Artifacts Dolls inc. Princess of the Sun, Cactus Flower 10"
2045 2 Artifacts Dolls inc. Song of the Sioux, Brave and Free 10"
2046 Hallmark Ornament Assortment in Bag
2047 Hallmark Ornament Assortment in bags
2048 Hallmark Ornament Assortment in Bag
2049 Hallmark Ornament Assortment in Bag
2050 Hallmark Ornament Assortment in Bag & home Interiors globes
2051 Hallmark Ornament Assortment in Bag
2052 Hallmark Ornament Assortment in Bag
2053 Hallmark Ornament Assortment in Bag
2054 4- Boxes of Hallmark Ornaments
2055 Franklin Heirloom Doll in box 22"
2056 2-Lissi Puppen Dolls in boxes 17", 21"
2057 Hallmark Ornament Assortment in Bag
2058 2- Lissi Puppen Dolls in boxes 20"
2963 Seymour Mann porcelain doll assortment
2964 Ashton Drake porcelain doll assortment
2965 Anna Bell porcelain dolls
2966 Brinn’s Porcelain doll assortment
2967 Porcelain doll assortment inc. Judy Belle, Susan Wakeen, Nancy Leslie
2968 Marian Yu Designs porcelain dolls
2969 Ashton Drake porcelain doll assortment
2970 Porcelain doll assortment
2971 Porcelain doll assortment
2972 Brinn’s porcelain doll assortment
2973 Porcelain doll assortment
2974 Collector’s porcelain doll assortment
2975 Heritage porcelain doll assortment
2976 Marian Yu Designs porcelain doll assortment
2977 Porcelain doll assortment
2978 Porcelain doll assortment
2979 Porcelain doll assortment
2980 Georgetown and porcelain doll collection
2981 Paradise Galleries, Ashton Drake and assorted porcelain dolls
2982 Knowles Amish Blessings porcelain dolls
2983 Porcelain doll assortment
2984 American Tradition, Heritage and Seymour Mann porcelain dolls
2985 Ashton Drake Porcelain dolls
2986 Porcelain doll assortment
2987 Porcelain doll assortment
2988 Porcelain doll assortment
2989 Porcelain doll assortment
2990 Porcelain doll assortment
2991 Porcelain doll assortment
2992 Seymour Mann, Linda Steele and Heritage Porcelain dolls
2993 Porcelain doll assortment inc. Marian Yu Designs
2994 Porcelain Doll Assortment inc. Heritage, Samuel and Kimberly
2995 Porcelain dolls and Battery operated doll
2996 Porcelain doll assortment
2997 Porcelain Birthstone dolls of the month
2998 World Gallery porcelain dolls
2999 Porcelain doll assortment
3000 Black plastic shelf with holiday collectibles assortment as shown in pictures 36x15x50"
3001 Ashton Drake and assorted porcelain dolls
3002 Heirloom ornaments and making memories collectibles
3003 Ashton Drake porcelain doll assortment
3004 Porcelain doll assortent inc. Marian Yu Designs, Tuscan
3005 Porcelain doll and baby assortment
3006 Porcelain doll assortment
3007 Ashton Drake porcelain dolls
3008 Heritage and assorted porcelain dolls
3009 Ashton Drake porcelain dolls
3010 Ashton Drake porcelain doll collection
3011 Brinn’s porcelain dolls
3012 Design Debut porcelain dolls
3013 Musical dolls by Mann, Little House on the Prairie and Knowles Mother Goose
3014 Porcelain doll assortment
3015 Design debut porcelain dolls
3016 Brinn’s Porcelain dolls
3017 Treasured collection porcelain dolls
3018 Ceramic Christmas tree, Christmas ornaments and decorations, VHS movies, dolls
3019 Marian Yu Designs porcelain dolls
3020 Porcelain doll assortment
3021 Ashton Drake porcelain dolls
3022 Brinn’s porcelain dolls
3023 Porcelain doll assortment
3024 Treasury collection and assorted porcelain dolls
3025 William Tung, World Gallery, design debut and assorted porcelain dolls 50+
3026 Ashton Drake porcelain dolls approximately 30
3027 Brinn’s and assorted porcelain dolls
3028 Tussini and assorted porcelain dolls
3029 3 Cottage path collection porcelain dolls
3030 Porcelain doll assortment
3031 Porcelain doll assortment
3032 Porcelain doll assortment
3033 4 Design Debut porcelain dolls 24"
3034 30+ Porcelain doll assortment
3035 Gerber Baby vinyl, Elvis Presley, Snow White, Eentsy weentsy Willie porcelain dolls
3036 Katrina and Joy porcelain dolls
3037 9 Marian Yu Designs Porcelain dolls
This auction will have a 10% buyer's premium added to each winning invoice.
This auction will have a 10% buyer's premium added to each winning invoice.